Braxton Downloads!

Just in case anyone is interested in having their very own Braxton, I have decided to post links to my crazy, little simmies. 

Feel free to download and play with them as you please, I don't care how you use them, but please don't start a legacy or anything with Adrienne, or any of my would be strange for me. :-D Also, I know that none of you would do this, but I would not be really impressed if any of these ended up on the exchange. 

If you use them, let me know how...I'd love to see how they turn out for you. 

--These are ".sim" files. They are to be put into your SavedSims folder (Documents - Electronic Arts - The Sims 3 - SavedSims) In game, you will find them in your pre-made sim bin in CAS--

Unless otherwise noted, all female Braxton's are best viewed with this non-default skin that can be found here:

Busty St. Claire by Lady Frontbum

All male Braxton's can be best viewed with this non-default skin that can be found here:

Whatever this is called, by whoever made it.

These default eyes are used on all of my sims:

Bright Eyes on MTS

In case you are wondering, I *do* use a no-mosaic mod, and that can be found here:

No-Mosaic Mod on MTS

Or, this one if you have Outdoor Living Stuff:

No Mosaic Compatible with OLS

All other mods are Twallan, and they can be found here:

The Amazing-ness of Twallan

Generation 1 -

Adrienne Youssef

Generation 2 -

Heidi & Beau

(Beau requires this hair, pretty please. :-D)

Spares - Dallas Jenna Shayna

Generation 3 -

**coming soon**

***Custom Content Sites That I Approve Of***

Mod the Sims

The Sims Resource (disclaimer: I use this for my makeup/facial piercings ONLY)

Newsea - Best Hair EVER!